Tuesday, April 01, 2014

First Hatch at Fort St. Vrain!

The first bald eagle egg hatched at Fort St. Vrain on Tuesday, April 1. Watcher Eaglewhisperer18 caught pip at at 11:50PM CT on March 31, and a eaglet was confirmed on camera at 8:42AM CT.

The eagles have nested here since before 2003 and have produced 15 young to date. Spring weather can be very rough here. The nest failed in 2009 and 2011, when sudden spring snowstorms covered the nest, causing the eaglets to freeze to death. Just one eaglet, nicknamed 'Survivor' by fans, lived through a snowstorm last year.

The nest can be watched at http://www.farmyou.com/falcon_cams/index.html. Click the 'Fort St. Vrain Eagles' link to view.