Tuesday, September 18, 2012

09/17/12: D14 and D1

D1 is on the move! She's roughly 77 miles of her northernmost point right now, although she's a little north of the southernmost point we've tracked her at this month.http://www.raptorresource.org/maps/latest.php

Back in Decorah, Bob took some time to track D14 this afternoon. He writes: "I had a bit of free time this AM so I tracked down D14. He was perched in a white pine tree on the top of a bluff overlooking the Upper Iowa River. There were two adult eagles perched nearby. I returned to this area a few hours later and got a beep pointing down stream. I got a booming signal when I pointed the yaggi at three immature eagles soaring high over the river. They were so high up I could not tell which one was wearing the transmitter."

D14 along the Upper Iowa River
D14 with other eagles